DIARY 10/11/09
- Written by Steve Harley
- Read: 9369 Times
Looking through the list of six favourite books I offered to the Daily Express recently, it occurs to me that those few represent about 100th of the actual number I’d need if dumped on a desert island. I use the internet, of course, but still reach for the reference books that crowd my study shelves when I want it absolutely right. That Wikipaedia, how poor is that! They get so much wrong (yes, there is irony in there...somewhere). How many times am I going to read that I was Christened Steven, with a V? The Wiki-people actually get that bit right, oddly enough. But where did it all start, the misspelling of a simple first name?
It’s been good to see the new website come to life. I don’t go in there very often, but I went on a deep scouting mission last night and got a thrill. I’d like to do another of those Live Chats that Dave Hornby organised a couple of times long ago. I guess it’s technically possible? I remember typing answers, multiple mistakes included, at a fast rate as from all over the world questions came flying in. Dave monitored, but it must have frazzled the poor guy’s brain for a while. Also, I’ll get Andy to put up a Links page. I’ve been told it’s not included yet. Are there still fan sites? I know Peter J-H keeps his one lively, because one who works for me visits it. One or two fell redundant, I’m told.
I offered to supply guitar chords (tabs, but aren’t they pictures? Can’t manage that) for a few songs, most importantly A Friend For Life. Had to call Barry and James to confirm the actual, musical name for one chord! Pitiful.
Sold Land Hawk, the 3-year-old flat racehorse we had with Jeff Pearce. Proved disappointing. He will almost certainly win minor races on the all-weather, but I’ll find better. Vacario is still in my hands, trained in Lambourne by Charlie Mann. Jump meetings in the winter then!
2010 UK dates coming in now. London show looks like being at Shepherds Bush Empire mid-June. I’ve heard talk of Dublin, Belfast (both around May 23/24), Buxton (that wonderful Opera House), York, Wolverhampton, Edinburgh so far. Cardiff, too, is in the melting pot. And plenty of others.....Should have a good idea of how it will look quite soon. This site will upload all confirmed dates, once confirmed and not before. Before that, it’s only probable, at best.
Stranger Comes To Town, new CD, likely to be released early May. Got 10 new songs. Three of them are co-written with various guys. Tunes only. Not words. Only wish any one of them had a literary bent, too. The lyrics have been the toughest part, as usual. Been through website suggestions for a cover, and will need to download several to check them out. Some interesting ideas have been put forward. How cool to see a Forum buzzing again. It’s good to talk. But perhaps better to listen. My son thought MJ looked tired and frail. Maybe. But he didn’t look like he was about to die.
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