DIARY 19/11/09
- Written by Steve Harley
- Read: 8347 Times
The pointer towards Daniel Johnston by Graeme is indeed welcome. Had all but forgotten the self-proclaimed “rejected unknown”. Maybe too many have covered the beautiful, poignant “Story Of An Artist” – irresistible, as it is – for me to attack it so late in its life. Maybe. But “True Love Will Find You In The End” is less exposed. Maybe that one. The YouTube archives are fascinating.
Voices with all sorts of views should be heard. But some voices are not sincere, or well-meant. We’ve got a forum here now, so anyone who has a view worth hearing, or seeing by those who can help, who know the details, the truth that nobody else outside the organisation could possibly know, might as well get posted here - as well as in the elsewhere-in-etherland. Songs you want to hear on tour? Here's the place, let us know.
Graeme knows the way to an artist’s heart, as many others who have posted suggestions for a cover-song, and that’s through art itself: Daniel Johnston, most interesting. Primitive art, maybe. The work of a manic-depressive, certainly. But sincere and well-meant. Welcome, indeed.
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