DIARY 12/08/10
- Written by Steve Harley
- Read: 7436 Times
I was thinking about some of the people I met on the recent UK tour.
Lisa came backstage with her mum and dad and boyfriend at Holmfirth. The photos have come out dark.
But Lisa’s big smile is there all right. She is undergoing chemo-therapy bravely and determinedly.
And I’ve told you about Soren in Copenhagen. The fool has my name, in my signature, tattooed on his arm. Does he realise these things are near impossible to delete? What’ll happen when he goes off me?
As for that Johnnie Walker – he’s asked me to share a show with him, joint-present a Sounds Of The 70s one Sunday afternoon. What a sport!
And then there are the pop stars...Suggs and me, backstage before Glastonbury Abbey show, August 7th.
Suggs jumped out of the stage wings and joined us for Make Me Smile. What a trouper!
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