Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

DIARY 17/01/12

  • Read: 10639 Times

Saw The Artist. Silent, yes, but with swathes of sympathetic lush music, and perfectly acted. It will lighten any dark mood. It is a deeply moving piece of work. The French still can do it when they stay within their comfort zone. Bought tickets on-line (Cambridge Arts Picturehouse) and it made me feel officially elderly – saved £1 for being “Over 60 (retired)”. Well, I never…! When is the Bus Pass due?

In Paris last week, where the locals proved again they are not as difficult, not as surly or rude as many Brits say. You just have to refuse to be intimidated, that’s all. Then they’re putty.

Birmingham: my agent is still waiting for the contract to be signed and exchanged, and for ticket prices to be agreed, then we can put them on sale. Official website first, for a few weeks, I expect, before advertising nationally. First time we’ve ever self-promoted a show. It’s a big box for me to tick.

Wanted to upload photos of me with Cheri backstage at The Stables, but to be honest they are not good. Dark and grainy. I’ll get them to a man who does things with photos and ask for help brightening them.

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