Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

DIARY 08/04/12

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Spent a couple of days in Frankfurt last week: radio interview and a visit to the Munch exhibition. One hundred and sixty-four pictures. A feast. Mostly oils, with some sketches, water-colours and many of his own photographs. They are, of course, early and mostly self-portraits. For a guy who suffered most of his life with depression and associated ailments, he lived to the very stately age of eighty years. The show doesn’t have The Scream (any one of three copies), but I’ve seen that up-close at least twice. First time, later that evening it was stolen. They dropped in through the roof, as I recall. Went back a year later (both times at The Munch Museum in Oslo) and there it was, back in situ. I’d heard nothing of it being discovered, so asked an attendant. “He painted it three times. We brought another up from the vaults…” he told me. Then that one was filched, along with his other masterpiece, Madonna. I believe both have been found and placed back in their spots in Oslo, albeit behind some serious protection. At dinner with Lydia and Werner, Birgit and Gerald, a recorder was pushed towards me by Lydia, a print music journalist and radio presenter. She had mentioned that next morning she would be interviewing Morten Harket, lately of Aha. I raved quietly about their latest (last?) single, Foot Of The Mountain. I told her I used to (two years ago, maybe?) pull over when it came on my car radio, whack up the volume to at least eleven, sit back and enjoy. I told Morten this, via Lydia’s recorder. She played it to him next day and he responded on the same machine. He was kind and suggested we could work together on song-writing. I will have nothing to lose. And I shall get in touch soon. Sounded like a very decent man.

For now, I await my driver. Heathrow beckons, where I’ll board late tonight (Saturday) for Melbourne. For almost two weeks, I shall be ensconced in a very good hotel, accepting visitors from the fourth estate and broadcast media. We have hired a Sydney PR company and they have gathered together a pretty impressive itinerary. Some Live playing included, on radio shows. I will ask them to list times of broadcast etc. for the website, so anyone who wants, might be able to tune in via the internet, if you’re not actually in Australia. On the last day of my trip, we play and chat on a Rock music TV show, Rockwiz. Nobody is sure when that will be broadcast. My friend, Joe Matera, is going to accompany me on guitar (he is very good) at the Live sessions, but the house band at the TV studio don’t allow outsiders in. Usually. We’ll see. Not keen on long-haul flying these days. Thought of going half-way, say Los Angeles, visit old friends, then move on after a couple of nights., but plumped instead for the straight-through flight, re-fuelling somewhere en route. I’m due back only 24 hours before walking on stage at The Isle Of Arts Festival on the Isle Of Wight. I shall pray for no delays. Interestingly, my return flight is with Air Royal Brunei. A dry state, and a dry airline. I queried the need for this with my Travel Agent, mystified, as she knows I wouldn’t want the torture of 24 hours up there without a glass or six. She told me, “…but they don’t mind passengers taking their own alcohol on board.” Safe. A good Chardonnay from the Duty Free looks my best bet. Hate the weight in my hand luggage, but, hey, it’s better than the alternative.


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