Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

DIARY 08/07/07

  • Read: 4999 Times

Lines learnt.
Blocking assimilated.
My sojourn in the world of Thespia begins.
It won't last long. Let's make it memorable.
The Beckett words continue to amuse and surprise.
He can take a pause and offer a pay-off line that nails the target with a dead eye.
Tickets have moved slowly. Sad to report. They say The Arts gets big walk-up. But I like advance sales. They bring comfort.
Perhaps the producers expected a more significant cross-over from my music fan-base.
But I have had plenty to concern myself with, learning the lines and developing two quite separate characters.
And the interviews. They will move tickets eventually.

It seats 330. Nice space (that's the pro term for theatre).
Not a big room then.

Then out with Mick 'n his mates: Warsaw, 60,000. St Petersburg 50,000. Those are big spaces all right.
And that's arguably the most beautiful city in all Europe, St Pete's. I'll let you know. Little or large, they all come alike to me after all this time. And, you know.....I can't tell you which I prefer. As a player, that is.
Financially, the big ones count for far more.

Writing songs. Always writing songs. Have committed myself to a March/April new CD release. We tour May and June throughout the UK and Europe. I wanted a quiet year this year, but the phone keeps ringing. Good life.


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