DIARY 04/04/08
- Written by Steve Harley
- Read: 5009 Times
To a meeting with tax specialist re copyright questions. I don't enjoy meetings, or committees, or business much. After, took relief by picking up a rare leftover for matinee of The God Of Carnage. Four supreme performances. It manages, temporarily, to take my mind off a certain legal matter that has dogged me for two years or more.
Later, the news tells of a Cessna jet coming down in Kent, and I learn that one of the perished is Richard Lloyd, an acquaintance of mine of old and possibly my dear mate Richard Goss's best friend. Next day, the owner of the shattered house the plane landed on is quoted from Portugal, where he is on a golfing holiday, implying that he would not be letting it spoil his fun. He won't be rushing back. The wife is home; she can take care of things. The Press like this stuff and hold him up as a great Britisher with a stiff upper-lip. But I notice he doesn't mention the five dead men, nor their heart-broken families. I think he's a prat. But then my view modifies slightly as I allow him the benefit.......he too was under an obscene pressure and perhaps one day he'll realise what he has, or rather hasn't, said. First reactions, though, do tend to carry the ring of truth, do tend to expose the core person, who seldom, if ever, changes.
I'm with T.S.Eliot on the matter: "The only wisdom we can hope to acquire is the wisdom of humility: humility is endless".