DIARY 23/11/08
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To Oslo, the Grand Hotel. Live on-air with Finn Bjelke, long-standing supporter, interview on National radio, a couple of songs thrown in. Sang "Loretta's Tale", one of Finn's favourites, apparently. Managed a solo "The Coast Of Amalf" too. Lot of words. Rockefellers is one of Europe's best rock venues. And we were steaming. Same in Kristiansand (first time since the early 90s) and beautiful Bergen. Finn's fab family took me home for dinner and fine wine and gave me Knut Hamsun's "Growth Of The Soil"; In Bergen, Erland O. Nodtvedt passed me a dedicated copy of his poems, "Harudes". He inscribed it, "For Steve Harley - Because of you, I didn't miss Baudelaire". And I am pleased for him. Just wish I could read the poetry, but it's fully-fledged Norwegian, not a word of translation in sight. Erland: any chance?
Bloody snow now, and I have to leave tomorrow at dawn for Stansted. Flight to Belfast for a day of Media stuff: TV, radio, Press etc. To help talk up the Belfast/Nashville Songwriters Festival, where I'll play/chat in February. Have agreed to a Live on-stage chat with a Radio Ulster presenter, with songs thrown in. Taking Barry Wickens and fiddle, so it could develop into a bit of a concert after all. You know how I am.
Greta graduated from Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge, and we felt proud. She is modest and doesn't show a lot, but I hope she's proud, too. What now for her? No-man's land for a while, no doubt. We've all been there. I'm sort of there now, trying to write new songs. I read Springsteen releases a new album in January. January! Hasn't he just finished touring to promote one? You wonder when he gets the time to eat.
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