Thank you Midge for your ' realistic ' comment .
Indeed Belgian public is very in favour for S.H. & C.R. especially concerning Sebastian . Steve realises very well that ' long time ago ' Sebastian was supported by the Belgian public to the highest regions of the hitparade .
If you are overlooking the top 1000 and you see wich ' big shooters ' , great artists , worldwide hits , high level artists and big quality making this list .....
Never the less ..... this forum , Steve's Facebook and this website is still a good help to support our aim.........NEXT YEAR TOP 3 !!!!
Indeed , some live concerts in 2017 would be a big help and mobilise more people . So, waiting for Steve and band to come soon

Anyway , thanks for your help Midge & thanks to everyone for helping to boost Steve H.& C.R. . Warm greetings to everyone from Leo & Silvie !