Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

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TOPIC: Not a suggestion for website but (perhaps)...

Not a suggestion for website but (perhaps)... 2 years 3 months ago #13172

  • Jem 75
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...a further track suggestion for forthcoming dates.

Further to my posts on Steve's Diary;

Just watching and listening to a few YouTube tracks and thinking back to Steve's comments about (lack) of electric guitarist. This thought has been borne from that.

I love 'The Mad, Mad Moonlight' (Harley, 1975), particularly Jim Cregan's guitar solo and I was wondering whether this would translate to violin?

If it would, then it would be a great inclusion in forthcoming gig/track lists, because the song has great momentum, melody, and is very 'up'...

Best, always,
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Not a suggestion for website but (perhaps)... 1 year 1 month ago #13262

  • Jem 75
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I've just spent an hour watching and listening to three videos that come up, when one types 'Jim Cregan' in the Google search engine:

Jim Cregan on The Monica Price Show

Jim Cregan: Working with Rod Stewart for 40+ years!

RO(S)D STEWART DIDN'T EXPECT THIS!... what happens next?

I enjoyed these and it kind of reminded me of the 'three way friendship' (as well as the pair of duo professional relationships, Steve-Jim, Jim-Rod) between Steve, Jim and Rod. Linda Lewis was also another professional connection between the three and personal for Jim. Collectively, this hour is great for the fans of the four.... :)
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Not a suggestion for website but (perhaps)... 1 year 1 month ago #13263

  • Jem 75
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The longest of the the three videos (and Jim Cregan's sage discussion of his 50 years in the music industry) plus, Gary Numan's (R)evolution, The Autobiography, Constable (2020 and 2021), London, plus a feature on Harley's Home / Latest News pages (upon which I have commented), plus Sasha, my life partner, who has recently re-entered the social media world (in a small way), have given me a great idea, for things to do, during my own retirement! :)

Thanx all.
Last Edit: 1 year 1 month ago by Jem 75. Reason: link added (loosely relevant)
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