Rebel wrote:I've posted this response on a different thread, but please stop all this nonsense about no 'Make me Smile'. yes, it's all about the first two albums, but it's still a SH concert and therefore would'nt be complete without MMS.
Everyone should be rubbing their hands at the prospect of hearing it in such circumstnces, rather than debating its inclusion.
The concert is all about the first two albums, but come off it, No 'Come up and see me'?!
I know we have all heard it a million times, but how many of us have heard it with a full orchestra and choir, and it such a venue? The obvious answer is none of us!
As far as i'm concerned once the first two albums have been played, then as an encore, Steve should be able to play any songs he wants, and not necessarily fitting with the theme of the first two albums.
This is a once in a life time concert, which I for one would like to eek out as long as possible, therefore the more the merrier.
I would love to hear an orchestral version of Come up and see me, Mr Raffles, best years, Understand, red is a mean mean colour, Love compare to you.....etc etc In fact lets have the concert in 3 parts. Human Menagerie, Psychomodo and the best of the rest.
I know that time constraints means that this won't happen, but please stop this nonsense of dissing MMS! The more songs he plays the better.
I shouldn't think there will be many in that room who have come to hear just that song !or would miss it, he could knock us all for six by kicking of with it ! now that'll be a first ! just to remind us all he's totally unpredictable , and its his show
me ! i'll just be happy with the gold that he brings. I'm Happy to know what I know.and thats good enough