I am going to get my comment about Stranger Comes to Town for Amazon France ready in the coming days.
Nobody else has commented it yet on Amazon France.
Anyhow, there is never many comments even about, say, the "pentalogy" (Human Menagerie - The Psychomodo - The Best Years - Timeless Flight - Love's A Prima Donna).
Generally 2, mines included
As you know, this album is not my cup of tea.
As you know, I want more people in France to discover Steve Harley/ Cockney Rebel.
So I would certainly not send the feeling I discribed here (see page 4 of this topic) and comment something like "I find it too serious, not fancy enough, etc.". No.
What brings me here today : I need your help to defend this album BUT not on a lyrics point of view (as french mostly don't give a damn about english lyrics
or, say it's not the first thing that hits them).
I need a good line of argument about the music of this album. Even if, after, I shall say a few words about the lyrics (but just a few !).
Anyone ?