Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

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TOPIC: Lay me down

Lay me down 1 year 11 months ago #13209

  • Jem 75
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Part 2 of my posts here on this thread:


Free association (by a real fan) after considering the lyrics again (just now):
Relationship – with another – with self – with audience – with a mix of each – tiny fragments of afore mentioned, together with a free-rein poet..?
The top line vocal seems to shoot well past an octave in distance, this is crying out, throwing off, dynamic…

I am assuming (no I’m pretty sure it’s his playing, even allowing for the possibility that the song was written before 1976, or 1975) the Hammond organ playing is by Duncan Mackay. I used to have a Hammond (but had never been able to play it like him – I didn’t put the time in or, start early enough – I didn’t really want ‘it’ – one has to be true to the person [they] are). Stuart Elliott’s drumming the typical (for him) high standard – but on that track it could have Lindsay Elliott’s involvement (percussive)? One or both brothers.

It’s an interesting track. A strong track. Harley avoided repeating himself throughout his career. I recall one newspaper interview (I think it was a Sunday, but back in 1978, a couple of years after this track, so I can’t be sure) but Steve said something to the effect that he could have had more hits (had he worked to formula based on already successful songs). He’s more open, honest - but still, instinctive.

Back to study, for me…
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Lay me down 1 year 2 months ago #13258

  • Jem 75
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Going back to my previous post but one, if I was to increase my favourite tracks to 14, I'd add 'Panorama' to 'the Bakers Dozen':

This is, for me, Steve & Cockney Rebel at their funkiest, a sort of Rebel meets Bowie, 'Young Americans' vibe.

If Cockney Rebel are able to tour again, say 2025 (?) I'd love to hear them do this track. James could maybe use a synth to replicate the horn parts, or maybe Harley could bring in a sax player for a one-off tour, groovy baby! Two backing vocalists (I would suggest female - the higher sound as lovely [late] Linda Lewis et al) would, in my view, sound better, as on the original recording.


Viva Harley, Viva Rebel!!!


Again with reference to my other thread, 'Harley/Ferry parallel', the female vocalists on the '...Best Years...' album are akin to Roxy's Sirens (1975, also). The higher voices add another layer of depth to the work, for an overall better sound.

If I was to increase my Rebel favourites then from 14 to 15, I'd have to include
'All Men Are Hungry' (Harley, 1976). Wisdom beyond his 25 years...X

EDIT 17 March 24: I couldn't leave it at 15. For me, 'All In A Life's Work' (Harley, 1996) has to be in there. The lyric is focused, heartfelt as well as mindful, no 'fit-in' lyrics, at all. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Steve's favourite (?) on his album, 'Poetic Justice' (1996). It's certainly mine on what is in any case, a strong album. Made at a time when the internet was in its infancy (for most) and before the music industry changed forever, as a consequence...

EDIT 17 March 24 (2):
Last Edit: 1 year 1 week ago by Jem 75. Reason: 17-03-24 (2) Ha, I could find at least 20 (link added)!
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Re:Lay me down 1 year 1 month ago #13266

  • StefanieR
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GREAT Sampler of photos! Thank you.
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Re:Lay me down 2 months 2 weeks ago #13296

  • Jem 75
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I'm aware that the above link is also on page 1 of this thread (thanks to rebelfreak1) and so, I've added another link to Sweet Dreams and Psychomodo. This is convenient for anyone on page 3 and besides, I and many of you listen to favourite tracks most weeks, don't we?

The Sweet Dreams track also shows how the violin can substitute for the guitar in a pop song that works. Cockney Rebel were innovating! I may be in a minority amongst the fanbase when I say it's my favourite track from it's album. It's manic, fast, melodious and exciting and Steve was hungry for success in the UK too and this album, 'The Psychomodo', helped make it happen. 'Mr Soft' in particular, Judy Teen too, independently. 1974 saw the turning of the Cockney Rebel tide!

Just like Bowie with the success of Ziggy, Starman etc...and his fans then catching up on Hunky Dory and The Man Who Sold The World' - in particular, because these included input from the late great Mick Ronson - and from Hunky, other Spiders; UK Rebel fans would look back to the masterpiece, The Human Menagerie...then forward to the No.4 album, 'The Best Years Of Our Lives etc.

Anyway, I thought this thread should sit at the top of the General Discussion section, for now, at least, as some of the lyrics are relevant to the situation we find ourselves in, Steve is laid down to Earth though some of his atoms remain and we are all from stardust, partly. The music will remain as long as there are people et al, to listen...Very best...

Last Edit: 2 months 2 weeks ago by Jem 75. Reason: additional comments, views, correction
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