Hi, Becky! Welcome to Steve Harley and his music. I came to know Steve late (first posted 2 1/2 years ago) as I live in the United States. Got to know his music on YouTube, became totally enthralled, found the website with many kind and amazing Steve Harley fans, and actually travelled twice to England from California specifically to see Steve live in concert. He is FANTASTIC live. You will be blown away by the band. I also want to let you know that his later albums are awesome; Steve just gets better and better. I feel I have discovered a treasure by learning about him. Have fun in Greenwich.
P.S. to ffcforever--Hey, Jonathan, I'm coming back to England again this coming November to see Steve play at The Stables and in Bilston. I'll be coming with Scott this time. Deborah and I are considering getting a room in Bilston so that some of the fans can meet up at a pub and enjoy the evening together. Plans are not set in stone (I don't even know the day of the week that Steve is playing), but do you think you would be up for it??? Would love to see you again, AND a thank-you note and CD of our time together IS coming to you, I promise. I have just not had ANY time to do it--haven't even made my own CD of pictures yet. Kathy is coming today to stay for a week and help me start packing for Montana. Exciting but scary things are ahead for me.
I hope you are well and happy. Please give my love to Sallie for me.