RAK Sign New Bands - Make Me Smile Gets Covered
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"RAK Singles Club gate epitomize the label's agenda, to shine a spotlight on the best of new music with no restrictions of style or genre - the only condition is that the music is great and that the bands deserve an audience. While the A Sides are original songs written for the project, RAK asked each artist to cover a RAK catalogue song, and so the B Sides are modern takes on classics.."
So far, RAK have singed three acts “Trojan Horse”, “Beautiful Boy” and “Cadbury Sisters”.
The Cadbury Sisters (descendants of the Cadbury's Chocolate founder) picked “Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me)” as their B-side (to be released on the 24th November online and vinyl only). It has had a little love from Radio 2 (Janice Long in particular) and is in the running for a playlist slot.
Here is Janice Long playing Make Me Smile on her show http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04mpzjm 1 hour 28 mins 30 seconds in.
Steve loves it…!!!
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