Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

DIARY 18/03/10

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Thanks to all who offered suggestions for a “cover” for the new album.  Some interesting ideas came in,  some plain stoopit, but there’s room for all sorts. Graeme Blake took first prize of something or other with the nudge towards a long-lost fav of mine, Daniel Johnston.  We missed the tracks played by Billy Sloan on Sunday on Glasgow’s Radio Clyde, on account of Billy didn’t forewarn us. Also, he said kind words and will play more tracks as the time closes in on release date, May 3rd. If i’m home, or away with laptop, I’ll tune in to Radio Clyde for his show, just in case I get the thrill of hearing my new music on the radio. It’s still a great buzz. Never wanes. It’s excitement in big form. Big. It’s my babies, being handed over, nervously, to strangers, then to the public, and to hear a track on air gives a sort of stress-relief. I never have got used to it, and really do still get an enormous thrill from it.

Live dates being added for Norway and Denmark in June, plus other countries later. Been playing at home new old tracks that have been suggested on the website. Some I thought would not suit now, as maybe too 70s, but in playing them, alone anyway, they resonate and have a life and I will throw many of them into the rehearsals mix.

And happy birthday, Peter. Thanks for what you do.

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