Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

DIARY 16/04/10

  • Read: 6703 Times

Had a wonderful time with Werner Reinke on HR1 Radio in Frankfurt last night. When I get more time and better internet access than now I will tell more. Since the evening came to a close, after 4 hours on air, we have done little but fight for a way back to England. The ash cloud sprung into terrible life minutes after my flight landed from City Airport on Thursday morning.

Eurostar fully booked until Tuesday, we learn. No space on any ferry from either the Hook or Calais. No cars left to rent. Nothing and nobody flies. I convince myself it could be worse. I see thousands upon thousands sleeping at airports, in cars, helpless and bewildered. I have a good hotel room and friends here to help. Will stay put and continue to juggle. The radio station has a good travel agent and I have staff and contacts in Britain to help. But nobody can make space where none exists. I could hitch to Calais and swim the channel, but then again I couldn´t. Realty kicks in. No planes, no English newspapers at the Barnhof. No planes, no travel. For now. But I never give up. I will keep throwing ideas into the mix. Remember my philosophy: the answer is yes, what´s the question? More when access is good. For the first time in forever, I travelled overnight wihtout my laptop. Sod´s law, or what! Shopping with Birgit from HR tomorrow. How many socks, shirts etc do you take for an overnight stop?

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