Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

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TOPIC: Question for fellow members or a moderator

Question for fellow members or a moderator 2 years 1 month ago #13188

  • Jem 75
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Happy New Year!

I was considering adding an avatar - I should clarify, an original image - to my profile, but I'm struggling to upload an image (maybe I'm not looking at all the options when I'm logged in or perhaps the images are not sufficiently cropped?) jpeg is what I've tried, so its not likely that I'm using the wrong type of file.

I thought (but no obligation) maybe one of the more experienced members, Stella Day, cheri or rebelfreak1 might throw some light on what I'm doing wrong or maybe a moderator or another.

Anyway, no pressure (on any of the afore mentioned), I'll leave it as it is, failing elucidation. Any help though, would be appreciated.


Just so that the SH (moderator) Team have the full background. After trying again I note that I am seeing two information messages:

"Avatar uploaded successfully", is the first.

"Unknown column 'aim' in 'field list'", is the second.

I suspect it is the second that is causing my problem.

Anyway, I'm equally happy whether this is explained, or its not, so no problem (for me). All the best. J.

P.S. (11 February 2023)

Since I wrote this thread, I’ve now totally changed my mind. I’m happy for my image not to be included (for that – or, Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel’s Cheltenham December 2022 shot, which disguises the band slightly, because taken with my ordinary phone and the lights on the night were just so accommodating for atmospherics! – was going to be my choice of upload).

Even my image on my professional bodies’ website, which will only be there (probably) for the rest of this year, and the one on ‘my’ academic site, is (slightly) disguised and as far as I’m aware, I only feature (with Sasha) on one YouTube clip (2023) and no one would anticipate the gig that we attended, on the occasion.

Everyone (including myself, lol), is off the hook, therefore.
Study time!

Fare well, all…
Last Edit: 1 year 10 months ago by Jem 75. Reason: (02/04/23) paragraph spacing
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Question for fellow members or a moderator 1 year 11 months ago #13198

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AN (indirect) response to Stella's own on Coventry Dave's thread (on the off chance that Stella may read this):

Thanks for settling that discussion, and I'd either forgotten about reading it, OR the date on the interview, followed my initial response on Coventry Dave's thread.

Official Steve Harley Website UK - Discussion forum - BOX-SET

Official Steve Harley Website UK - Steve Harley interview - HiFi+ magazine

Whilst I'm 'here', very best to you and Jasmine for the 26-miler, in May.

Jem H. aka (19)75
Last Edit: 1 year 11 months ago by Jem 75. Reason: further minor edit
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Question for fellow members or a moderator 1 year 10 months ago #13207

  • Jem 75
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(For Stella, on the off chance that she may read this, from the discussion above)

Hi Stella,

Firstly, thanks for sharing – the Peckham ladies – I enjoyed reading about them (and I can imagine, based on the character I picked up from everyone I met from London Bridge and Borough and some of those fine South London café’s – on the subject of food and your bug bear, pasta and cold plates, I totally agree).

To ‘continue’ here, is not that inappropriate, as this thread was originated as a ‘question thread’ and I’d like to comment further about Steve Harley and the Jazz Café, in 1998. Amazing that we were probably no more than ten feet away from each other, and yet we wouldn't be aware of it, for another quarter of a century! Strange, but nice. Time slips away though...

I’m not sure whether I saw the ‘projectile sandwiches’, but if it happened fairly early on, I might have the odd memory trace of it, in my hippocampus (otherwise, if you told me it wasn’t near the beginning, I am convincing myself of that ‘trace’, because I’d LIKE to have remembered it, because you did it i.e. MOVED THEM from Steve's feet - and we’ve chatted herein).

What I do remember about the night (apart from thinking how great it was to be so close to Steve, and that Rob was really enjoying it – I introduced him, a bit like your Harley ‘virgins’) is that one young woman spoke to me, whilst Steve was performing Make Me Smile…’I had ‘shouted’, “Guitar!” just a note from the ‘old Cregan solo’, and she said to me “Yeah, I remember that part too!” Or something very similar.

I seem also to remember that Steve had on what looked like a highly polished pair of black DM shoes – but I might not be right about this, because I don’t recall noticing Steve wearing this type of shoe before (?) It was difficult not to notice his footwear (and legs!) given the height of that small stage especially considering how close we (all) were. Great night though. I remember (absolutely) one phrase that Steve said, “London audiences!” On his home turf. Nice.

Back on the subject of Pizza Express gig(s), I definitely won’t be at the May event, due to pressure from two quarters, I’ve a level three exam in health sciences (and all the work surrounding it) and a formal (legal) procedure, that I instigated, earlier this year (nothing too serious, but necessary to protect our own interests). I hope you, yours and the Harley ‘virgins’, have a great time again, and I’ll be looking out for you (maybe) if you’re out in the sticks (Cheltenham, Oxford or Leamington Spa, most likely for me) or (maybe) if I get myself back into London at some point. Meanwhile, Viva, Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel! I hope we hear how they get on in Benelux.

Very best to you,
Last Edit: 1 year 10 months ago by Jem 75. Reason: (03/04/23) 'Instinctive improvement' to small part
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