A lady at Tunbridge Wells was brave enough to approach the stage and ask Steve what the song "Sebastian" was about. I think this is the picture of Saint Sebastian he was referring to at the National Gallery but I don't think it's currently on display. It's by Gerrit Van Honthurst.
Steve also mentioned, though maybe I misheard him, that Diego Velaszquez had also painted Sebastian. I can't find that?.....so I probably misheard. (I love The Toilet Of Venus that's in the National Gallery) .
Mostly depicted , pierced by arrows and tied to a tree, St Sebastian was a Roman soldier who, when discovered to be a Christian, was sentenced to death and shot by arrows. Legend has it that the arrows didn't kill him and he was subsequently stoned to death. Commemorated on 16th December by us Catholics he's the patron saint of soldiers and athletes.
Perhaps Steve, who suffered polio in childhood limps and can't run was mocked? Who knows.?
But it's a start.
I don't worry about all that analysis.
I just love the song.