Without wishing to upset any of you devotees, who no doubt believe that every word that has ever come out of Mr Harley’s mouth is pure gold, I have compiled my SH
worst ‘least favourite’ top 10.
In my humble opinion these are the tracks that have me reaching for the ‘skip’ function on my remote, although I’m sure this list will no doubt be emotive, since some of my selections have even featured on some peoples favourites list!
Anyone have songs that they think should be included or believe I’m way off the mark my choices?
I will now sit back and wait for the flack.
1. Sling it!

2. Don’t go, Don’t cry.

3. Finally a card game.

4. Is it true what they say

5. Hot Youth

6. (I don’t believe) god is an Anarchist

7. Love on the rocks

8. New fashioned way

9. Love minus zero

10. True love will find you in the end.