As already mentioned before , we are looking forward to join / hear/ taste/ percipiate / seeing Steve , James & Barry three times in Belgium . We don't have any requests... that would be unrealistic and egoistic .
Although we hope on one of the following (only one would be fantastic ) suggestions ;
- a live version of ' 2.000 years from now '.... or
- a live version of ' the coast of Amalfi '.... or
- a ' shake hands ' with Steve , Barry and James... or
- a signature of the three on one of my CD's... or
- a little moment to say hello & express our appreciation to SH & B & J .
I hope you read this message Steve and band....but we know you have a lot of fans with a lot more requests .
I already cought your plectrum in Poperinge 2011 and a signature in Ghent 2007 . In this way we are already happy.... but the ' hunger ' is bigger and the more one gets , the more he wants..... Seejoe & hearjoe soon in november .
two addicted SH fans , Leo & Silvie . November.... sounds a lot like ' member '.... we feel like close Harley members !