Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

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TOPIC: Steve Harley comes to Oz!

Steve Harley comes to Oz! 12 years 9 months ago #5419

  • Max Volume
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Hi, new to the site and to the forum, but certainly not new to Steve or Cockney Rebel, having been listening for the best part of 40 years now...

Have to admit to having heart palpitations when I saw that Steve had been in Australia just a few weeks ago, thinking that he must have been here doing some live shows that I had missed out on hearing about.

Now I am a bit more relaxed knowing that he was here doing ground work for a possible CR tour in 2013. Phew! But...someone please tell Steve that Australia is a big place and don't let him fall for that 'the Eastern seaboard is the only place that has people who attend gigs' rubbish. He must come to Adelaide! It is a pretty long drive to Melbourne or Sydney from here. It's not like driving down to Newport from Cardiff...

Anyway, I am excited...and I probably will make the long drive if I have to. After all, we've waited 40 years for him to get here, so I guess, what's another couple of days on the highway?

Get those Oz tour dates up soon!

Also, does anyone know where to get 'Hobo With A Grin' on CD? My vinyl copy is wearing out and I have never seen a CD version anywhere.
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Re:Steve Harley comes to Oz! 12 years 9 months ago #5420

  • rebelfreak1
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hey max,there was a re-release last year of hobo with a grin/the candidate. double cd album.still available on amazon uk for around £11. great value.
'i fought a tiger just for the glory,the bloody battle was fierce and was gory,was like a scene from a kipling story,she sucked my blood like shes eating tandoori....'
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Re:Steve Harley comes to Oz! 12 years 9 months ago #5422

  • Max Volume
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Thanks for that. Will order one straight away.
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