Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

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TOPIC: consider me lost in Aspic !

consider me lost in Aspic ! 12 years 2 months ago #5764

  • Pandorah
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Oh look what I’ve just found! You know I’m not that lucky with computers!
(mid you ! If I didn’t have bad luck! I’d have no Luck ) and I'm not that technical
I do, do copy and paste :unsure: and the odd e-mail ( when I can get into it, that is ! ) must be over a year and a bit now, that I’ve managed to get into it ! I’ll have to set another up! Somehow!
But anyway my laptops finally gone to PC world’s big bin in the sky!
But they did manage to do a data base thingy! What do ya call it? Oh yeah Recovery!
I lost so many gig reports on that thing! But I just found this one in an email I’d sent over to Karen in my face book inbox. But it never saw the light of day! For some reason Karen didn’t slot it in! Think she went off to the IOW and it went amiss.
Any way it did make me smile when I sat and recalled that night when I found this.

Section of Gig Report that never saw the light of day . J

Having found a space in the crammed packed balcony, along side total strangers!
Deborah, soon delighted in the panoramic view, and even though the place was full to the rafters, and no seats to rest her weary legs! as soon as the band took to the stage, she was on a roller coaster journey, back and forth through the years.
From way back when Judy teen was the Queen of the scene.
At the age of 14 she stood in awe, and this night she stood in far too high heels :( but still in awe,
At times! She might well of felt 45, and barely alive! (Well Ok 50!)
but, as Mr Harley and his magical musicians steamed in to the opening lines of Faith and Virtue new life rushed in to every fibre, breath taking sight's and all hopes rose as the lights danced and swooped across the stage, drenched in spectacular colours. (The aching feet disappeared in to oblivion)

The crowd below were packed tight; the balcony swayed too n throw and the shepherds Bush Empire rocked!
Mr Soft never fails to get the blood pumping, so tight. They just bounce of each other throwing boulders of energy out across the room. Stuart marches through the song as James is chasing his every move along side him, while Lincoln's bass keeps tabs on the pair of them, never really allowing them get a ahead of his steady path.

Robbie fires into action and blasts his way up and over the playful band of merry men, these marching musicians.
As he lifts them off the ground with his electric sounds that dances along and chases the lights, then from out of nowhere! From the other side of this electric delight! Barry takes flight, and swoops in with his bow and shoots streams of pure magic, encircling every inch of the stage , lifting spirits so high , they surely touched the outside star lit sky ! Up and out, darting across the empire like missiles into all the senses and souls in the room, as the man and his voice centre stage clearly the leader and officer in charge! Commander of this cavalry cuts through the heaving crowded air like a knife! Movement and light surrounded with sound, you just couldn't resist, the captivation! Helpless like a moth to a flame, just brilliant brilliant, brilliant.
The light house, always has that breath taking effect that just constantly makes you smile , it's captivating , jaw dropping mastery , reveals the answer to the question, ! Why Dose his light go on shinning! Clearly Steve Harley is a Star, a true legend! A master at his craft, who never fails to amaze and delight us with his music and tails of love and war's, joy's and of woe‘s, faith and virtue's, hope's and dreams.
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Re:consider me lost in Aspic ! 12 years 2 months ago #5768

  • cheri
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Love your energy and passion, Deb! :)

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Re:consider me lost in Aspic ! 12 years 2 months ago #5775

  • Pandorah
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cheri wrote:
Love your energy and passion, Deb! :)


Bless you cheri :)

Ditto !

You know it takes one to know one :-)

stay your way always.
love it.
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