Hi FFC Forever,
Back again! I'm glad you liked it, I thought immediately after posting it 'will this prompt lots of adverse reactions?' as it was sort of tongue in cheek (but only sort of). Since then, Roberto di Matteo has been sacked after losing 0-3 to Juventus (when we only lost 1-3 (I was there) and which ranks with Micky Adams (Keep the Faith, O Great Hero) going after he refused to co-manage with Curlilocks Keegan when MAF took over. Still if you prefer illegally gotten money to actual club legends, what can you hope for?
I had thought about going to Stoke as well (almost the perfect away-day, a FFC / Harley combo, given the location WBA or Villa would have been better for multiple reasons), but with the best will in the world would not be in Brum until about 6.30 and would quite like to see what is going on in The Pitcher and Piano beforehand.
I am very easily recognisable, as am 6ft 4 and a half. If you would like a meet-up before the gig, either wave at very tall strangers or text / call me on 07768-731677.
COYW / Look What They've Done to the Blues!