Many of you have been asking about how the Live Chat will work next Sunday.
Well just before we go live I will post a link on the home page that will take you to the special Live Chat page.
When you first arrive you will be asked to enter your nickname, which means type in your registered username and click OK.
Now you will see the main Chat screen, which looks like this (but bigger):
Use the narrow strip next to your username to type your message and then click Send.
Very shortly your message will appear in the main window above. New messages will appear below.
If you want you can add smileys or use the formatting tools to style your message.
There are a few rules:
1. Please don't post multiple messages - give everyone a chance. If you dominate the screen or try and post too many message in quick succession, the system will chuck you out.
2. It may take Steve a few moments to type his answers, so please be patient and refrain from trying to chat with each other whilst he responds. We don't want to clog the system.
3. Please use this thread to post your questions so that Steve has a chance to consider answers in advance making it quicker for him to respond on the day. There are a few threads already started and I will probably merge them anyway.
Tip: You might want to type your questions in advance so that you can paste them in on the day.
If the system's memory is large enough to capture the entire session then I will find a place on the site to publish a transcript of it for the benefit of those who can't make it on the day.
I hope that answers your questions.
See you on Sunday.