Hi, my name is Cheri and two weeks ago or so I had never heard of Steve Harley (I live in the United States). Then, fortunately, one of my British friends posted a video of him singing Make Me Smile on Facebook. I listened once and liked it. I listened again and liked it even better. Later, when I had some free time, I checked him out on YouTube, where there is a whole wealth of Steve Harley videos, and I was hooked!! Can anyone tell me WHY on EARTH we have never heard of Steve Harley in the US??? The man is brilliant. The music, the lyrics, the voice, the theatrics, the charisma and charm... I could go on and on. I feel like a giddy schoolgirl again, and I can tell you that's been a long time ago.
I have been able to buy a CD on Amazon.com with some of his greatest hits and also The Quality of Mercy, which has my newest favorite song, "The Coast of Amalfi" on it. But there are no DVDs.

I find that I love to watch him as much as I love to listen to him. I am so envious of you people who go to his concerts. I feel cheated!
In my relentless search for all things Steve Harley, I did find that in 1977 he relocated to the US, I think to Los Angeles. I don't understand why he didn't make it. Can anyone please explain?? In my opinion, he could have been as big as any of the leading British groups here, as well as the American ones. Is he even thinking about touring in the US? If not, why? I would really appreciate any information in this regard. I am dying over here for more Steve Harley. Thank you in advance.