Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

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TOPIC: RITZ cover song

Re:RITZ cover song 12 years 3 months ago #5485

  • Gilly
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Great song and nice cover.
I find the instrumental really good and the singing is ok although of course it can't reach Steve's.
There should be a lot more emotion in the voice, some desperation would fit the song IMHO.
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Re:RITZ cover song 12 years 3 months ago #5486

  • Mr Raffles
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Gilly,i don't know who the guy is doing these Cockney Rebel covers but i'm sure he's doing them as a tribute to Steve and the band rather than trying to sound better than them.Any criticism is unecessary really. Keep them coming.....has he done Back to the Farm yet??
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Re:RITZ cover song 12 years 3 months ago #5488

  • rebelfreak1
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  • jimbo
gilly the guy doing this is based in belgrade and is not a professional singer,he works in a retail shop!
he is just a fan of the early rebel albums,and considering his lack of english,is doing an amazing job,and is never likely to reach steves high standards,give him a break.
'i fought a tiger just for the glory,the bloody battle was fierce and was gory,was like a scene from a kipling story,she sucked my blood like shes eating tandoori....'
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Re:RITZ cover song 12 years 3 months ago #5489

  • leonacht
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This high quality cover is definitly a big appraisal and strong valuation of a very authentic and unique artist ...called Steve Harley ! Covers are always object of extreme or light criticism . Just be aware ; there is never a cover without the original song..... cover means only someone's interpretation of a masterpeace !! What's in a word ?
Finally ; congratulations Nebojsa .... we like it very much .
Leo for L&S
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Re:RITZ cover song 12 years 3 months ago #5491

  • Nebojsa1975
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I came home from job and read it all comments, just to tell few words.First thanks to all , and to tell that im not good singer in some covers, and in some i can pass,example is sebastian cover, its only instrumental cause nobody never gonna make to reach that voice like Steve but only in young days im talking, i dont count this today cause he dont sing like that before (pension :)), and neither do i. I tryed but didnt like it and leave it to be instrumental only.Next, my covers im doing cause i love so much first cockney's mark 1 band cause for me they are so mystique band and they becomed legends after spliting in 1974 and we all become sad after that.Thats what making them great.Second is relationship of first album and Sebastian song (only with symphonic orchestra she likes i must to tell that:))with my mom, which she like so much when she was young and she listend vinyl that i still have with so many scratches now, and like child i always watched front cover of LP album and i was affraid of that serious guys on that cover specialy Jean paul crocker with glasses and Milton Reame James.And picture stayed in my mind thru years.Third is cherry on cream pie and thats roualt58 channel wich represented to me so close the band in live concerts which didnt have official release in 73 and 74.And hearing more and more from old cockneys they become much more interesting and im in love with Steve's young attitude, voice, perfromance, elegance, style , but specialy voice and personality which only him can make me cry , and he is only artist can do that (he is my rebel leader).And just like i said its relationship between Cockney rebel and my mom when she was young, and thats why he can make my cry cause bring me some childhood memories from past.Cokney Rebel, Sebastian, Steve Harley they all are my young mom, and somehow my life, dont get me wrong :blush: :S but i got that feel, sorry and off course at last this is my communication with Steve thru his songs.And he probably gonna read this.Thats it.
Human Menagerie front cover of LP album i never gonna forget.From my childhood till today.
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Re:RITZ cover song 12 years 3 months ago #5492

  • Nebojsa1975
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Thats how it looks my world i created
Human Menagerie front cover of LP album i never gonna forget.From my childhood till today.
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