RachelPAtoSH wrote:Maximus - I feel quite certain there are many fans who read this website who would be very willing to pay your costs etc. for the tickets. Face Value plus postage etc.
But it is also your right to get the best offer you can via eBay. Sorry you can't get to the show after all.
You are welcome to put them on-sale here, maybe under a FORUM entry?
Can't compile a special "for sale" box, myself, and our webmaster is on holiday.
Please keep the language non-offensive, guys!
Thanks, RACHEL
Hi Rachel
I really didn't think these tickets would cause the furore they have.
I thought £100 was fair to cover the tickets, and fees including ebay.
I have sent Stella a message with hopefully an outcome whereby everone will be happy, but they will still go to the highest bidder.
Sorry about the language but I was upset that this idiot rebelfreak who I haven't even met before pre judged me as He did.