Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

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Re:BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS 13 years 3 months ago #2360

  • cheri
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I hope you all welcome Ali with open arms. She is spending a lot of hard-earned money because she is so moved by Steve and his music. It's not easy traveling to a foreign country alone. I am considering coming next year, if I can swing it, and it's rather terrifying to think of trying to find my way around a country that I am not familiar with with no phone, computer or car.

Cockneyrebel1, perhaps there was some mix-up with Steve and his meeting with you. He is a generous man and I know he appreciates his fans, whether they have been following him for 1 year or 38. I'm sorry that you did not get to meet him, but don't take it out on Ali, it's not her fault. We all love Steve, he knows it and appreciates it. I hope you get to meet him in the future.

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Re:BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS 13 years 3 months ago #2361

  • THE PHANTOM's Avatar
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I think prima donna is being very harsh on our friend across the water. I think she should be applauded for undertaking such a trip. I myself have seen steve play over a hundred times and have met him on several occasions even having my photo taken with him. I am not looking for a freeby here, I would definately buy one though but if it is not to be, I stand by my offer to alizarin and hope she has an unforgettable stay. xxx
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Re:BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS 13 years 3 months ago #2362

  • robertotechno
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I've met Steve, and always he's been a real gentleman. Happy to defend his honour here. Must have been some awful probs with cr1's mates! Like a previous writer says, wait at the stage door - why would he come out from backstage, from his dressing room after a show to see a stranger? He plays for 2 and a half hours generally, and must be exhausted. And at a London gig I should think he's have family and personal friends there.
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Re:BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS 13 years 3 months ago #2363

  • stewart g
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When i've posted a few things here over the years Cockneyrebel1 has said some nice things which i've always appreciated.Hopefully one day you'll get to meet Steve and clear up what was obviously a simple misunderstanding.
From my experience i've found Steve to be very supportive of his fan base and sometimes extremely generous with his time.I'm aware of many examples where he has really helped people,with nothing expected back in return nor any attempt to gain publicity.
God Bless to all Rebel's out there :)
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Re:BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS 13 years 3 months ago #2364

  • cockneyrebel1
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B) Cheri, Can I reiterate I am not blaming anyone and I am certainly not taking it out on Ali. I was doing nothing more than expressing the fact that disappointments occur, and I remain disappointed. Nothing more. It seems no-one else agress with me, so I will apologise to anyone (including Steve, if my comments really have made him "seething", as suggested), and bow out of this forum with grace. B)
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Re:BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS 13 years 3 months ago #2365

  • robertotechno
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Don't bow out, dear fan - let us know the good news, that is when you meet SH at a stage door for instcne, and he lets you take photos and get autographs, like he always does. You know it makes sense! (Smiley face, if I only knew how they do that) ROB
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