Steve Harley

& Cockney Rebel

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TOPIC: The story behind '''The Golden Ticket''...........

Re:The story behind '''The Golden Ticket''........... 12 years 4 weeks ago #7011

  • tinakayt
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Steve thank you from bottom of my heart. I shall treasure my flyer forever, you have made this middle aged lady very happy. Also thanks Jimbo for arranging all this. Definitely the best years of our lives.
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Re:The story behind '''The Golden Ticket''........... 12 years 4 weeks ago #7012

  • Craig
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Hi Jim. Im hopeless at putting faces to names, didnt realise it was yourself who gave out the envelopes, so just to say, a very big `thank you`. It all makes sense now :-)
Yes, it was a really nice gesture from Steve, and a wonderful souvenir of a great day.
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Re:The story behind '''The Golden Ticket''........... 12 years 4 weeks ago #7017

  • stewart g
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A great story Jim,a nice touch from Mr H and your right who would do that for their fans ? NOW THE DOWNSIDE!!..and I wasn't going to mention it but as you brought up the subject of the flyers......I LOST mine on Saturday night !!!!! an absolute shocker I know,what with the emotion of the evening and all the joy,I forgot to take it with me when we left!! :( Now if you have a spare one,I'd be very grateful old boy!! if you could send or save me it for the future! If not don't's all part of the weekend story!! :P and it will teach me to be a little more careful next time!! :woohoo:
Take Care Jim and see ya next time God willing!
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Re:The story behind '''The Golden Ticket''........... 12 years 4 weeks ago #7019

  • rebelfreak1
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  • jimbo
Stewart fear not my mate !
I still have around 30 or so that were left after breakfast on sunday,so do not worry I will keep a couple for you,the rest I will be taking to The Stables to hand out there,SO ANYONE COMING TO THE STABLES GIG AND NOT AT BIRMINGHAM,LOOK OUT FOR ME IN THE FOYER, (near the bar probably) and I will let you have one.As I said only around thirty left so first come first served.!

just noticed over there on the right 400 posts on here,I am getting all emotional !!!!!
'i fought a tiger just for the glory,the bloody battle was fierce and was gory,was like a scene from a kipling story,she sucked my blood like shes eating tandoori....'
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Re:The story behind '''The Golden Ticket''........... 12 years 4 weeks ago #7020

  • stewart g
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Jim,one will be fine old boy.As ever you deliver the goods!! :laugh: Take care and enjoy The Stables..what a stunning venue that is for sure!!THANX!!!! ;)
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Re:The story behind '''The Golden Ticket''........... 12 years 4 weeks ago #7022

  • Maelitta
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Wanted to thank you for this excellent idea of the "golden ticket". Did not win but not too disapointed as it ends up costing a fortune these concerts, traveling from France each time ;)
But ... Ahem ... I thought it was "Dave" who gave us the flyers :unsure: . Dave we met in Holmfirth. Well, I am lost with all your nicknames, surnames :laugh:
A big thank too to Mister Phantom, he'll know why.
But I will soon have the occasion to write a few words about the way I felt this night in Birmingham : tremandous concert and really great people. I just lack of time for the moment.
Thanks again Dave or Jim or Jimbo or Rebelfreak or whoever you are named ! :laugh:
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